AnswerSolar Reviews Score (50% of Overall Score)
Total Rating (65%): This is the average rating of the published reviews a company has received on their company page.
Number of Reviews (25%): The total number of published reviews that a company has received on their company page.
Owner Responsiveness (10%): This metric weighs the responsiveness of company owners to reply to poor reviews (1-2 stars) on their company profile and take action when neccesary.
AnswerSolar Company Score (50% of Overall Score)
Warranty (30%): A comprehensive warranty package is advantageous to consumers. Warranty packages most commonly include equipment, labor and workmanship. Companies that go above and beyond will include roofing (usually also hold a roofing license) and production warranties. Warranty lengths commonly vary from 10-25 years.
Brand Search Volume (10%): Total number of branded search queries for a company online.
Verification of Profile: (15%) Companies can claim their profile on and verify the accuracy of the information displayed.
Products/Purchase Options Offered (25%): Companies that offer multiple and purchase options will receive a higher score (Cash/Lease/Loan/PPO). Options for panels, inverters and racking allow all types of consumers flexibility. If a company offers complimentary reusable energy products/services such as battery backup and EV chargers this may factor into a rating.
BBB/Yelp/Google Rating (25%): Better Business Bureau, Yelp and Google reviews are a great way to get real customer testimonials. Companies that have positive reviews will rate the highest.
Disclaimer: Ratings are based on information available on the company’s websites as well as third party sites (such as the Better Business Bureau) at the time the data was collected. Every effort was made to ensure the data portrayed here is accurate, but we are aware that information does change over time. If you are a representative of a company and feel that the data reflected in your company profile or rating are inaccurate please contact us at [email protected]. If AnswerSolar learns a company is engaged in fraudulent or unethical activitiies/business practices or is unable to service customers in an appropriate or timely manner this will impact their overall score in a negative manner until this issue is deemed resolved. AnswerSolar will notify consumers of any such action taken on the relevant company's company detail page.